The most unique and essential element of the Zurich Clinic is its exceptional team of acclaimed doctors and specialists. Our team brings a unique blend of exemplary expertise and compassion, creating a synergy that allows for the development of Enhancement Programs centered on providing each client with a tailor-made transformative experience that is both deeply healing and highly effective.

Our Team

Rainer Arendt M.D.
Senior Consultant Internal Medicine & Cardiology
Dr. Arendt studied medicine at the University of Bonn. He was a NATO research fellow in psychopharmacology at Tufts New England Medical Center in Boston, and a Max-Planck research fellow in neuropharmacology at the Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry in Munich. He trained in internal medicine, cardiology and nephrology at the Klinikum Grosshadern, University of Munich. Additionally, he was the head of the mental stress research lab in Grosshadern. His main research interests and clinical focus are stress-related disorders, as well as primary and secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death, myocardial infarction or stroke. In Zurich he developed new tools in Brief Psychotherapy for smoking cessation, body weight control and stress relief.
At the Zurich Clinic, Dr. Arendt lends his profound level of expertise to supporting our clients in the areas of life extension, EMDR, psychotherapy, weight loss, addiction treatment, hypnosis, stress relief, and internal medicine.

Anke Berg M.D. MBA
Psychiatrist & Addiction Specialist
For over 20 years, Dr. Berg has been practicing medicine in Switzerland and Germany, serving in numerous esteemed positions in the field of mental health, most notably as the leading specialist in addiction treatment at the Integrierte Suchthilfe Winterthur. As a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Dr. Berg specializes in addictive behaviours, particularly in alcohol, cocaine, and prescription pill addiction. Throughout her career, Dr. Berg has continued to expand her already-impressive credentials, receiving training in several different psychotherapeutical methods, including Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. In addition, Dr. Berg is a member of both the Swiss Society of Addiction Medicine (SSAM) and the Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (SGPP).
At the Zurich Clinic, Dr. Berg serves as psychiatrist and addiction specialist in the Private Enhancement Program, employing her extensive expertise to aid our clients in overcoming their addictions. With her wide range of competences, Dr. Berg treats our clients’ addictions in a way that is both highly personalized and effective.

Prof. Dr. Marco Bachmann
Head of Nutrition
Prof. Dr. Bachmann is renowned at the Institute of Toxicology of the ETH Zurich in the field of food toxicology. He is an expert in nutritional studies, particularly in regard to the psychological and physiological effects of one’s diet, and achieved the degree of scientific technical food engineer. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Bachmann designed and structured the specialisation in Nutrition at the University of Applied Sciences Waedenswil, by introducing courses addressing the connection between nutrition and disease, nutrition and career, and nutrition and sport, as well as those addressing nutritional recommendations based on stages of life, pregnancy, and specialized needs. As a board member of the Federal Commission of Nutrition, Prof. Dr. Bachmann led studies regarding salt consumption, and intake of vitamin D.
At the Zurich Clinic, Prof. Dr. Bachmann imparts his extensive nutritional knowledge as the head of the Nutritional program. His finely-tuned dietary recommendations are based on blood tests and other analyses, and are designed with the intention to improve both the physical and mental health of our clients.

Eugenia Borel
Nutritionist & Health Coach
Eugenia Borel is board-certified Nutritionist and Lifestyle Consultant. She grew up as passionate dancer & yogi, which let Eugenia from childhood develop healthy lifestyle habits. Eugenia Borel has completed studies at International Academy of Ecology & Medicine. Her areas of specialization are: weight-loss, digestive health, hormonal health, stress management; nutritional planning; family nutrition; Planning, Pre/Post-Natal Health; Sports Nutrition, Allergy Support & General Nutrition for Health and Happiness.
At the ZurichClinic Eugenia designes nutrition plans in accordance with the clients needs and personal situation. Furthermore she teaches eating behaviour and healthy living to achieve a sustainble change not only in weight but also in feeling more energized and agile.

Sabina Hediger
Master Life Coach
Sabina Hediger was trained as a Life Coach, Master Life Coach and MINDFUCK®-Coach at the Dr. Bock Coaching Akademie in Berlin.
Following many years in professionally challenging positions, Sabina Hediger dared to make a clean break and has been following her calling as a Life Coach with passion and enthusiasm at her practice in Zurich ever since. The MINDFUCK® approach played a key role in her decisive life change. It was obvious to Sabina Hediger to also accompany her clients in this new freedom and make MINDFUCK® coaching the focus of her work. With her authentic, sincere manner and her strong presence, she helps her clients to really take themselves and their needs seriously and finally lead a “really full life”.

Dietmar Stoll
Master Life Coach
Dietmar Stoll is an excellently trained Master Life Coach. For many years, the highly qualified specialist with management responsibility not only moved in a challenging technical environment but also concerned himself with a topic that was much closer to his heart: people and their development towards more clarity, quality of life and personal success.
His style of coaching is characterised by his fine intuition, his analytical thinking and his ability to view things from various perspectives. A man with a high level of empathy, generosity and a strong will to make his clients successful. What’s more, Dietmar Stoll brings with him almost four decades of experience in various martial arts, such as judo, aikido, krav maga, and tai chi, as well as qi gong, yoga and meditation.

Liv Kraemer M.D., Ph.D.
Dermatologist & Anti-Aging Specialist
Dr. Liv is a board-certified dermatologist with a focus on cosmoceuticals, laser treatments, anti-aging, and preventative dermatology. After engaging in research in tissue-engineering and stem cells, she worked in Europe, the UAE, and the USA, including a stay at Columbia University and the Charite Berlin. She was also medical advisor for VC‘s and a consultant for various cosmetic and laser companies. Dr. Liv’s expertise is widely recognized, and her skin-care advice has been notably featured in leading magazines and newspapers. Dr. Liv is a member of several medical societies, including the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM), the European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology (ESCAD), the European Society of Laser Dermatology (ESLD), the Society of Aesthetic Dermatology and Cosmetology (ADK), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSAAM).
At the Zurich Clinic, Dr. Liv supports our clients‘ recovery process by offering top-tier dermatology services. After a detailed skin analysis, Dr. Liv creates a holistic treatment plan to improve each client’s personal appearance. Dr. Liv also believes in enhancing beauty from the inside out, and therefore has an extensive knowledge of supplements that support skin health, working with our Nutrition experts to ensure that clients leave our care with a radiant glow, as a true picture of health.

Ryan Farrelly
Personal Fitness Coach & Nutrition Expert
Ryan Farrelly is a physical coach and trainer. A lifelong athlete, Mr. Farrelly grew up with a passion for playing ice hockey, golf, and baseball. This passion developed to a profession, and today Mr. Farrelly is the proud owner of a sports studio offering a variety of programs to eliminate physical imbalances and enhance overall well-being. He achieved the title of Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, CPTN in 2006.
At the Zurich Clinic, Mr. Farrelly leads the customized Sports Enhancement Program, as well as the Golf Enhancement Program. His training style is unique, as he utilizes Neurofeedback and Biofeedback as methods to improve concentration and mental stability in order to complement and reinforce physical fitness training. Mr. Farrelly also employs the latest technology to provide highly accurate sport-related analyses, thereby allowing him to create extremely effective training programs for our clients.

Matthew Caine B.Sc.
Business Consultant
With over 25 years of experience from across the IT sector working for high-profile software companies, Matthew Caine brings a wealth of business consultancy expertise. Mr. Caine has worked internationally, holding consultant positions in London, New York, Berlin, Geneva, and Zurich. He subsequently founded his own consultancy firm, and took on the position of Managing Director of the Agile Academy of Switzerland. Mr. Caine holds a Bachelors of Science degree, with Honors, in Computer Science from the University of Staffordshire.
At the Zurich Clinic, Mr. Caine leads the Management Enhancement element of the Business Enhancement Program. He employs his unique principles to help business professionals truly understand the purpose of their work, gain a greater sense of autonomy, reignite their motivation, and feel satisfied and fulfilled in their professional life, having contributed to the workplace dynamic while maintaining a healthy home life.

Tatiana Matveev
Personal Fitness Coach & Massage
Tatiana Matveev is a personal fitness coach and massage therapist. After arriving in Switzerland from her native Moscow, Mrs. Matveev received training to become a fitness instructor through the Swiss Academy of Fitness and Sport, thus marking her entrance into the field of physical training. Since then, Mrs. Matveev has worked at numerous companies, including Google, as a fitness club manager, personal trainer, and group fitness instructor, offering courses in Les Mills BodyPump, Pilates, Abs & Back, and nutritional advice. Additionally, Mrs. Matveev is trained in several massage techniques and aromatherapy.
At the Zurich Clinic, Mrs. Matveev will lend her expertise in physical training to help create personalized fitness programs for our clients. She will also promote our clients‘ spiritual well-being and relaxation with her therapeutic massages and use of aromatherapy. Further, Mrs. Matveev supports the communication between the team and our clients from Eastern Europe thanks to her Russian mother tongue.